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Donald Trump Cut NPR Interview After His “Rigged” Election Idea Debated

Donald Trump


Donald Trump Cut NPR Interview After His “Rigged” Election Idea Debated

When the main focus is on Donald Trump, he can’t even handle it. Trump appeared on NPR’s Morning Edition with host Steve Inskeep, and he cut the discussion short when pressed about his claims of election fraud.

Trump spoke with Inskeep for nine minutes, which were cut short after Inskeep informed the former President that his claims of a “rigged” election were false.

“Go into Detroit and just ask yourself, is it true that there are more votes than there are voters? Look at Pennsylvania. Look at Philadelphia. Is it true that there were far more votes than there were voters?”

Trump would also claim that the “problem of the presidential rigged election of 2020” must be settled. Before hanging up, Trump would disagree with Inskeep once more, this time over the “rigged” concept, before thanking him and hanging up.

The encounter can be heard below.

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